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Charitable Giving for Apple Employees Thumbnail

Charitable Giving for Apple Employees

It’s the time of year to spread holiday cheer! Kieu Le Turk, CFP® is here to share a great way for to support the charities near and dear to your heart, get a double tax break on your gifting, and take advantage of Apple’s $10k matching gift program.

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Real Estate 2022 Exit Strategies Thumbnail

Real Estate 2022 Exit Strategies

Worried about tax consequences associated with selling your home or investment properties? Raoul Celerier, CFP®, CEP®, CRPC® is here to discuss strategies for exiting Real Estate in the most tax advantageous position.

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Investment Committee - Feb. 24th, 2022 Thumbnail

Investment Committee - Feb. 24th, 2022

Market Update Current headlines along with recent stock declines are definitely spooking investors. The Russian aggression in Ukraine, the Federal Reserve signaling rate hikes, and already multi-decade high inflation readings are certainly reasons for concern. With that said, we believe that valuations are approaching healthier levels in the US and are attractive in international markets. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a terrible tragedy, but unfortunately, we have been through many, many of these kinds of global crises before. Despite conflict and pandemic, and terrible political decisions, and a litany of other challenges, the human spirit of innovation and resilience marches on, and as a consequence, the financial markets continue to grow. As long term investors we must keep our eyes on the opportunities that lower prices represent, regardless of the short term reasons.

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